MODEID: 'T',pattern or ID\nALL: show all modes\nSIMPLEDIMS: show simplified version of dimensions\nDIMS: show dimension of overscan mode\nPROPERTIES: show properties of mode ID. (e.g. HAM, AA, PAL, ...)\nFREQUENCY: show frequencies\nPROPPATTERN: filter ModeID's by one or more property flag\n only those modes are shown, whose property flags\n contain those given here\n Flags can be:\n Lace DualPF PF2Pri HAM ECS AA PAL Sprites GenLock\n WB Draggable Panelled BeamSync EHB SprAtt SprChngRes/\n SprBorder ScanDbl SprChngBase SprChngPri DBuf\n ProgBeam Foreign\nEnter parameters